Angel Cardozo 🇺🇦's profile

Pet portraits - acrylic paint pt I

Since the autumn of 2023, my artistic journey has taken a heartwarming turn as I delved into the creation of pet portraits. Each canvas, measuring 10" by 8", becomes a unique homage to the beloved pets that grace our lives. Crafted with acrylic paint, these portraits capture the essence of furry companions in a distinctive and vibrant manner.
The process begins with a collaboration between me and the client, where I request at least three pictures of the subject. From these, I meticulously select the best composition, ensuring a strong foundation for the artwork. The chosen image then undergoes a transformation into basic shapes—circles, boxes, straws—etched onto the canvas with pencil.
Moving forward with the main sketch, I immerse myself in the world of color. Avoiding black whenever possible, I opt for opposite colors on the wheel to deepen the shades, establishing a nuanced and lifelike portrayal of fur. The layering technique comes into play, starting with the main medium shade and gradually building darker and lighter tones to create a sense of volume and texture.
Attention then turns to the background, where pastel hues, unless specified otherwise by the client, provide a gentle backdrop. Precision is key as I use a small detail brush for the dog's borders, followed by a larger square brush to complete the background, ensuring a harmonious visual balance.
Drawing upon my knowledge of typography, I design a sans-serif Helvetica-inspired font in all caps for the pet's name. Adding a playful touch, each letter is rotated, infusing the artwork with a whimsical aesthetic. The final touch, my watermark, serves as both a signature and a mark of pride in each piece.
These pet portraits are not just canvases adorned with paint; they are a celebration of the unique bond between humans and their four-legged companions. It is my hope that viewers not only see a portrait but feel the love, joy, and personality radiating from each stroke.
Thank you so much for reading if you did! 😊
Pet portraits - acrylic paint pt I


Pet portraits - acrylic paint pt I
